I have enjoyed many things in my life that I have lived, but there are three things that I am really thankful for. The first, even though my actual father is mentally sick, he is still alive. Even though I don't know kind of sickness my father has, I can still tell the symptons of the sickness. My father has mental problems, has very bad headaches, and can't speak very well. I am also thankful for the family I have, even though sometimes, they really annoy me. I could be an orphan, living without a family, but I have a caring family. Finally, I am thankful that I am still living today. I could've been in a car accident today on the bus, or 11 years ago, I could've died from the high fever I had, but I didn't. So, I am happy how my life has gone for the past 13 years.
     Throughout this whole year, computers was one of my most important classes. My favorite project was the zoo project because I got to find out about an animal that I barely even know about. The zoo project also helped raise my skills for searching for websites. The zoo project also helped me work well with others better. The zoo project was challenging, which also made it one of my least favorite projects. The zoo project was challenging because almost all of the websites that let this school use, barely had any information about the mole salamander's adaptations. Even the websites that my teacher recommended for us use didn't have any information on my animal.
     I learned from the Google History Trip the most because I did a lot of researching about my explorer, Zheng He. I researched five websites just to get some research on Zheng He. I learned the least from the Word project because I already knew how to use Word already. The Word I learned least from was the second one because everything was almost the exact same thing in the first word.
     I think that Microsoft Word could be fixed because when I worked on it, Word had some problems, like typing problems. So I think that Word should have these problems fixed, so the next generation of seventh graders don't have any trouble on this, like me. I also think that the Google Forms could be a little less confusing, because I didn't know how to save it without making more trouble. I really liked this class, but this school year is coming to an end, and I'm ready for the eighth grade.
I might play this and a few other games on my Summer
     There is a 85% chance I might play games every single day on my Summer. I might play games a lot because when I have school, I can only play on weekends. On the Summer I can play when I want, weekdays and weekends. I can also stay as late as I want, just playing games. Speaking of games, I might pre-order "Resident Evil 6" or "Call of Duty Black Ops 2" to improve my game experience even more.

     I might just work on my stories that I'm writing now, the story is called "Zombie Apocalypse". This series is about apocalypses from both fantasy and science fiction. My first three stories are about zombies I may have fourth zombie story, but I still debating if I should write it or not. The first story is about 2500 words long, and about five pages long. The second story is about 4000 words, and nine pages long. Then after I finish the fourth story, I might create a story about a machine, and maybe an alien apocalypse story. The stories will have the same characters that were in "Zombie Apocalypse". (Note: I may change my stories)
Kenichi (Middle), Akisame (Top), Sakaki (Left), and Sensei (Right)
     I may watch some anime, or some T.V. shows. I might re-watch "Kenichi the Mightest Disciple". I will watch Fairy Tail's upcoming episodes. I will also watch "Spongebob Squarepants". I might finish Death Note, which I have come to a stop, because it got very boring.

Fairy Tail
Death Note
Spongebob Squarepants
     Yesterday, I did a science test. It was all about the frog and the squid. One-third of the test was about the frog, and the other one-third was about the squid. The last one-third were true or false questions. The test was about 100 questions long.

     I think that the frog part of the test was the easiest because I didn't have to remember a lot of things. The squid part of the test was the hardest part because I didn't remember a lot of the parts of the squid. The true or false questions were in the middle of the two. I think it was not easy, but not hard because some questions asked very easy questions, while others asked harder questions.
     I didn't really like the test because I had to stress over it the nights before just trying to study. I really understand the questions that were asked in the test. I thought that the test was hard, but I actually got a good grade, an A-. I hope that I don't have to do another really hard test like this.
     On Friday, I started a board game about the Middle Ages. The board game needed to have rules, 80 question cards, and a folder, for the game. My job was to make 20 out of the 80 question cards, ten for history and ten for English, and write the rules. The rules were simple, just start on the space that says, "Start". Another one was "if you land on a space near a bridge that faces away from you, go up the bridge."
     Our English questions had to be about the book called, Crispin "The Cross of Lead". What made the questions hard was that we had to make sure our own question wasn't the same as someone else's question. Doing that was hard because after I wrote the question, I would look at the other questions to make sure I didn't copy any other questions. My history questions had to be about the "Late Middle Ages". I had to write about the popes' and kings' conflict for power. I also had to write about the crusades.
     I really understand this board game. I really like this board game idea. This is the best thing I've done in core class the whole year. I also really hope that the next year seventh graders can have as much fun as I do next year.

     Elite Dekaron is an online game where you can fight monsters, level up, increase your skills, and fight other people. Elite Dekaron is almost the same as 2Moons, but players get more XP (Experience Points) and pick up more money. Elite Dekaron has many different characters, like the bagi warrior, the vicious summoner, the mage, and etc. Elite Dekaron also has magic points that most characters use for their skills. To use their skills you have to but or unlock them and drag them to the bar the shows numbers from one to nine in order, and then to actually use a skill just press the number you put the skill on. In this game you can do quests to level up faster. Some weapons and armor have some requirements, like level, and your stats. When you level up, you get points that you can add to your stats. You also get a few points that increase your skills. Some weapons and armor are picked up after fighting a monster. When the characters get to a certain level, they can also buy wings, which helps their stats go up. The first wing can be bought at level 100, the last one is bought at level 200, the max level.
     There is an event for more advanced players called "Elite Dekaron". In "Elite Dekaron", people, and parties are put into teams. There they fight even more advanced monsters and then fight a boss. After the boss, the teams fight each other. The last team alive wins the event. Here, players can't find any armor or weapons, but they could find lots of money in there. The type of event depends on your level, if you are at level 50 you can only buy the ticket to the event for level 50s or lower.
A Vicious Summmoner
     When I first played Elite Dekaron I chose the Vicious Summoner because he looked pretty cool when he equiped his twin swords. A few reasons why he is called a Vicious Summoner is because of some of his skills, some look like he teleports around, and he can summon pets that you have to unlock by your stat points you earn when you level up. His first wing is just three skulls, but they raise his speed and other things, like his power. You can choose to equip a staff or twin swords. His armor and his weapons look very cool.

An Azure Knight
     An Azure Knight is basically just a knight. He can wield a long sword, twin swords (not the same a the Vicious Summoner's sword), and a sword and a shield. I like the Azure Knight less because he is slower than the Vicious Summoner. The Azure Knight has very thick armor. I like him because he is very strong and he has very high defense.

A Bagi Warrior
     I've only played the Vicious Summoner and the Azure Knight, but I think that the Bagi Warrior is pretty cool too. The Bagi Warrior seems even stronger than the Azure Knight, but I've never played him. His only weapons are his hands. The Bagi, as I saw, was the first person to attack the monster, or person.

     If I were to choose between sending a boat to India that might get lost and not put all the money on a boat, I would choose to send the boat anyways because all of the riches that would come back would cost even more than ten ships. The boats have a 50/50 chance of making it back, which actually makes the trip worth paying for. The boats would probably have to go through harsh waves, storms, and maybe even tsunamis, but at least they have a chance to make it back.
     I would choose the toughest crew so that they would have better chances of surviving and making it back. Taking this risk with a really tough crew would be better than taking this risk with a regular crew. The crew would have more experience even more than other crews.
     I guess I would take a risk on one boat. I guess I will also take chances with a mean crew. Hopefully the boat makes it back.
Leopard Frog
     Yesterday in my science class, I dissected a frog. The frog needed my partner's name and my name on it. The frog also needed to have the period we were in for science class. So our science teacher told us to get a strand of tape and put it on the frog. Then after putting the name tag on the frog, we started the dissection.
     Everyone in my class had to start with the mouth. We had to cut open the frog's mouth, so the frog can open its mouth. After cutting my partner and I were supposed to look for the frog's tongue, maxillary teeth, vomerine teeth, internal nares, esophagus, and the glottis. The tongue was unlike a human tongue. The frog's tongue was facing backwards instead of facing forward, which helped it catch its food.
     After dissecting the mouth my partner and I started to dissect the frog's body. My partner had to cut the body upwards. When the body was cut we saw muscle covering the internal organs. Then we had to cut the muscle. Then we were supposed to look at the internal organs.

     I have now learned that Resident Evil 6 will be released on October 2, this year. I have newer news about Resident Evil 6. There are new people and even new types of zombies.

J'avo (Juavo)
     The J'avo is the new type of zombie in this game. The J'avo is infected with the new virus, the C-Virus. From some Gameinformers, I've read that the J'avo can even regenerate their lost limbs and mutate them into freakish looks. They can also carry weapons such as guns and other weapons, and even run, making the game even more fun.

A J'avo
Another J'avo picture
Another J'avo
Ada Wong or her evil clone, Carla Radames
     The second trailer or the capacitive trailer shows a women that looks like Ada Wong from Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4. Some people say that she might be Ada Wong's clone. There are some things that contradict with that though, like when she exited the building from a window, she did her signature move that confirmed that she was Ada Wong. So the only way to find out if she is really Ada Wong or Carla Radames, is by playing the game when it comes out.

Jake Muller
     I found out who mystery man is, Jake Muller. Jake Muller is a main character for Resident Evil 6. He is the son of Albert Wesker, but seems like he's not even related to him. Ada Wong or Carla Radames calls him Wesker Jr. in one of the three trailers.

Chris (Left) Vs. Leon (Right)
     There are some conflicts in this game. This one is between Leon and Chris. Leon wants to protect Ada Wong and Chris wants to kill her. Then they start fighting and this happened. This happens in one of the newer trailers, at this point Leon says, "She's a key witness..." and Chris answers, "A key witness? She's the one who started all of this!"

Leon Sliding
     There are also some new moves the character can perform in this game. One of them is the slide. The character jumps and lands on the ground, staying in that position. A different version of this slide is Chris sliding into cover. I will make another blog about Resident Evil 6 when I get more information about it.

     I would live as an Inca instead of a Mayan, or an Aztec because they don't have any slaves. I would never want to be a slave because slaves were the lowest people in the Aztec and Maya society. Slaves have to work for everyone and get only little food. Slaves are the poorest people in the whole society.
     Incas have many benefits, an example is that the Incas have places where they can store food. Storages help when people go hungry, the emperor just sends the food to the starving people and they wouldn't starve anymore. I also liked the Inca's buildings. The Incas were really advanced for their time and had very amazing buildings. Their buildings were put together so that even a knife wouldn't fit in a space between two rocks.

     The Incas were a really amazing civilization. They had more, and better advantages than the other civilizations. I also really liked how the Incas lived. I think that the Incas were a really awesome civilization.